Her short little arms still don't reach the top of her head.
When she's sitting up she likes to push off with her feet and rock back and forth.
When she smiles she kicks her legs at the same time. (She likes to kick with her right leg the most. Maybe this explains why she only has two fat rolls on that leg.) She also loves to kick and thrash her legs around in the bath, reminds me of a little frog.
Her head is still growing faster than her hair.
She likes to suck her bottom lip in and out, over and over.
She also started talking with her tongue hanging out, giving her a daffy duck effect. She stopped this after about a week. Maybe she figured it wasn't an effective way to get her point across. It melted our hearts to see her trying so hard to find ways to communicate.
When she gets really excited she sucks in all her air and squeals.
She likes to look at herself in the mirror.
This girl loves to shop. She will go for hours, just napping and smiling all the way.
She loves to have her head and ears scratched. While I scratch her head she reaches up and tries to scratch with me, her tiny little hand opens and shuts..
Just a few days ago she started grabbing her toes.. only a matter of time before they end up in her mouth.
She is still very patient and sweet. Such a good baby. When she's tired she gets quiet, lays still, stares off into space, sucks her thumb and dozes off. I feel bad when wake her... her thumb jerks out and she looks at me with a startled look. Baaah!
Today was her 4mo check up. She is still growing wonderfully!
Weight: 13.62 lbs. / 48th percentile
Length: 25.0 in / 76th percentile
Head Circumference: 15.7 in / 21st percentile
She has reached all the milestones for her age, and even exceeds them.
She rolls over from front to back (did that a long time ago)
Grabs toys and puts them in her mouth..
Knows and prefers Mom and Dad
Pushes up with her arms
She babbles, laughs, smiles and squeals
And did I mention I'm pretty sure she's BRILLIANT?
Brekka also had to get those dreaded shots. Only two this time, so she didn't cry quite as hard. Her daddy and I took turns holding her to calm her down. Poor little thing. Made our hearts hurt.
Now she's just fine, lying next to me, gabbing away, sucking on her arm. Haha.
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